It is official! I have hit a milestone!!! I have lost 10 pounds!!!! Yay me! Now, I just need to figure out what "reward" to give myself for reaching my goal. I mean, once a girl buys herself a big ticket item for reaching her first goal, where do you go from there? Since I just bought the new furnace/AC unit, maybe I'll gift myself with new plumbing or rewiring the house. Hum...who am I kidding? That should be saved for the 25 pound milestone! :) Seriously, I'm really pleased with my results. I am averaging one pound a week! So, for the month of April, my goal is to lose 5 pounds. I'm really excited because this is doable.
I just hope that the weather doesn't get too hot too soon. Since my clothes are still fitting the same, I don't have many items that I can wear. The good news is another 5-10 pounds, and it will be like I have a whole new wardrobe! So, like I mentioned, my new goal is to lose 5 pounds by the end of April. In addition, I want to drop the W from my pants size, and lose my double chin (especially before my nephew and neice lose theirs). What can I say...I'm competitive!
I also want to thank everyone for their kind words, support, and love! I couldn't have done it without all of you!!!
Today's Thoughts
7 years ago