Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Day 154 - A new form of exercise?

Ok...I was all excited about having a really strong week. I was gonna walk one to two miles a day, and maybe attempt to do aerobics. No one is around to see my clumsiness so now is the perfect time. Except, I'm too busy fighting off a cough. I spent two hours straight coughing after a 30 minute workout. It was miserable! It does lead me to ask though...does continuous coughing work the abs? It definitely affects the back. I'm hoping that the coughing is what is causing my back to hurt and not the need for another epidural shot. With my luck, I'll need a shot since my deductible starts over tomorrow.

The good news is that, this evening, I'm going out with the girls. We're going to a movie and then out to dinner. We're going to go see Eclipse, and I hope I can stay awake. I'm not a huge fan of the saga, and when that is coupled with NyQuil cough syrup, I could possibly fall asleep once the lights go down. Luckily, I know that I'll have a good time with the girls regardless!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Day 153-Happy Dance

Well, today I reached a milestone and was able to do my happy dance (think Snoopy). Be thankful that I'm only writing about it and not forcing you to watch as I have no rhythm and no coordination. What I do have though is enthusiasm. You see for the past couple of days (I thought the first few were a fluke), I have been wearing size 16 pants! Not size 16W but size 16. What makes this even more impressive is that I can sit in them and...wait for it...breathe at the same time. :)

Now I realize that not all size 16 clothes are the same, and I should try on a different pair just to make sure I'm not dreaming. All I have to say to that is... "Not gonna do it." I'm so happy right now so why mess with a good thing. I must go dance!!!!! Have a good one!

Monday, June 28, 2010

Day 152 - Help!

Sorry everyone, but you will not believe what happened....I was kidnapped (or is it adultnapped?). Anyway, it was quite the experience. My captors took me to undisclosed locations over the past couple of weeks. Most often, I found baseball parks or my nieces and nephews at these locations...weird. Then to make matters worse, they only fed me bread and water (who am I kidding...I'd be skinny by now). They forced me (yep, I said forced me) to eat. I have never been so scared in my life! There was birthday cake, good food, and unfortunately quite a bit of take out. It was traumatizing, but I've enjoyed myself. Oh no, Stockholm Syndrome has taken hold (too bad I didn't get a chance to ask my captors if they had any single friends). Oh well. The good news is I'm now closer to being free!!!!

I'm still keeping busy with all of the family, looking for a new job (and yes, NC is an option), eating a more balanced diet, and starting to exercise again (I mean, I'm still being held captive, but I have an escape plan in place...gotta stick to my story). Let's face it, I fell into a rut these past couple of weeks. Maybe rut isn't the right word? A trench, a chasm, a fissure...who are we kidding, let's call it what it abyss. You all will be happy to know that I didn't get lost on my journey to the great, black hole of nothing. Nope, I was on a train that had a set destination. You see, I was so busy with my "routine" and following my weekly path, that I never thought to jump the tracks and leave my captors behind. Deep, I know! :)

So today, I start over! I need to remember why I started this journey in the first place. I need to get out of my rut, and start enjoying this process again. So, as of today, I promise to start blogging again (Amazingly, my captors let me have a computer). I promise to keep you all up to date on my successes and my failures because I'm sure there will be many of each. Most of all, I'm going to put more effort into me and less effort into the "we" mentality. Meaning, I'm going to quit focusing on making everyone elses life better and easier (even though I enjoy it), and work toward determining who I am and where I want my future to go. Kleenex anyone?

Wish me luck in my escape. Hum...I think I need to lose a couple of pounds to fit through the window where I'm being held. Better go work on goal number 1, falling out a window. WWJMD...What would John McLane do? Better go...I hear someone coming...shhhhhhhhhh.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Day 133 - All is lost...but the weight

Oh no! I'm in trouble. I've lost my muse!!!! I'm not funny, I'm not deep, I'm not relevant! Where has my writing mojo gone, and will I ever get it back? I need a new muse. Something to keep me going during the summer so that I can continue on my journey to losing weight. Hum....a tall, dark, handsome, single guy would do. Anybody, anybody?

Seriously, I have hit a brick wall. Who am I kidding? I broke through the brick wall as I was falling off the wagon. I ate this week like I have never seen food. If it came in a carry out sack, I ate it! What is wrong with me? Where is my will power? Apparently, it was hiding in a large Reese's Peanut Butter Cup Mix. Unfortunately, I didn't find it until I made it to the bottom of the cup. Oh the horror!!!!

Amazingly, after eating awful for a week, I have only gained a pound. Obviously, this was not the outcome that I was wanting. However, I thought that I had gained at least 5 pounds, so I'll definitely take a one pound gain. Of course, I'll also take a 50 pound loss. I'm not picky! While I may not have lost weight, I did lose things! Yay, the garage sale was a success!!!! Did I get the amount I was asking for...No. Did at least get rid of it...Yes! Less baggage...woo hoo!!!!

Deep breath...think, think, think. How can I motivate myself to continue on this journey? I know...if I gain more weight I'll force myself to go to the pool...wait for it...wait for it...without a cover-up. If that doesn't scare me into keeping on track, nothing else will! ;)

Thank you everyone for all of the support!!!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Day 127 - Where has the week gone?

I can't believe that it is Thursday already! Where has the week gone? It seems like Monday was just the other day. Of course, that is probably due to the fact that this has been a crazy, busy week. Let's start with Memorial weekend...

Friday, some of the family went to Emporia to watch Annie play in the state softball tournament. It was an exciting evening. The game was scoreless toward the end of the game. Luckily, we were the home team because the team we played scored in the top of the last inning. As a team we were not hitting well, but our bats came through at the very end. We won and advanced to Saturday's games. We won both (Annie was great), and the girls won the first ever state title in school history for any girl's sport. Way to go girls!!! K State had a rough weekend at the Big Twelve Tournament, but Daniel played great! He was named to the all-tournament team. Just one more honor to add to a growing list. Congrats!!!

Sunday and Monday I spent helping mom with my three nephews. Cade and the Rookies were playing in a baseball tournament in Kansas City, and we decided to help out with the kids. I must say that they are a hoot! I need to start writing down some of the things that they say to me. It is always fun spending time with them. Cooper was exited about playing in their small pool and had a great time "swimming". He told me that Cade taught him how. Carston was happy just to stand next to the pool at his water table and play. Colton would stand at the window, hit it with his hands, smile and yell at them. The highlight was seeing a deer in the neighbor's yard while they played. A good time was had by all.

June 1st was a great day as well! It was Megan's birthday, and how else would a mother of four spend her special day? At a baseball game of course. Cade's league team played the late night game and won. Cade played great! After swinging at some of the high ones, he had a triple. He also acted as the "closer" and struck out a few kids. It was a great evening.

As for everything else, it has just been busy. Our family is having a garage sale on Saturday so I'm trying to get organized. For those of you that know me, this is a challenge! Too bad I can't just pay Megan to do it. :) Oh well, I guess it is a learning experience. I do know that tomorrow will be stressful because inevitably I will wait until the last minute to get everything done. Note to self...schedule a photo shoot so a new picture can be put next to "procrastinator" in the dictionary. See...busy!!!

Oh yeah, no weight loss this week and no weight gain either. Bummer, but based on the amount of time I've been on the road, I'm pleased with that.

Have a good one!