Wow, I can't believe that it has been so long since I have written. Most of you know why, but for those that do not...I have not written because my life went crazy!!! As you know, I was so excited about getting back on the dieting and exercise wagon. I had bought my ticket, put on my "skinny" Capri pants (hey, they were a size smaller so they qualify), and packed a healthy meal for my new journey. I then started my first day back exercising. I walked 30 minutes, and my cold (that I thought was getting better) knocked me off the wagon.
I couldn't move or talk without coughing. I felt miserable and not in the mood to blog. After my family encouraged me to see a doctor, it was determined that I had acute bronchitis. My exercise plans were put on hold as was my diet. You see, during this time my diet consisted of Chicken Noodle Soup, Crackers, and Orange Juice. It tasted great, but I was in carb overload!!!!
Just as I started getting better, my 9-year-old nephew got sick. He was hit in the head with a golf ball. After 3 doctors visits (where it was deemed that he did not have a concussion), the doctors finally took my sister seriously when she said that he "wasn't right". It was determined that he had a bleed in his brain and was life flighted to Children's Mercy Hospital to undergo surgery. At this point all of my online time was spent in e-mails and on Facebook asking for prayers. The number of people that said that they were praying for Cade was amazing. His classmates and parents went up to the church to say a rosary, the high school kids held a rosary that night, and a classmate even took her slumber party to our Adoration Chapel to pray. Miraculously, Cade did not have to undergo surgery, but did have to spend 5 days in the hospital. This left me with my sister's 3 youngest boys (4, 2, and 1).
They were great...until the day before Cade came home. The youngest was taken to the ER with sores on his throat. He wouldn't eat or drink. My mom was feeding him by dropper. Then, the day after Cade came home, the other two started running a fever. All three had strep throat. Now, I'm sure that you are wondering how all of this craziness affected me. Did I mention that my sister was having construction done on her house and was hanging out at our house? Which was great since she had extra hands on deck. However, my diet and exercise regime tanked. We ate out a lot, I had no exercise (other than chasing kids), and I'm trying to look for a new job so my "new me in a new year" has come to halt.
Then I remembered that some people celebrate Christmas in July. So, that would make August, the equivalent of January (stay with me) and a new year. Wow, I can restart my New Year's resolution! Hopefully, the second go around will be better than the first. So, starting August 1, I will be an exercising machine, that eats only healthy food (ice cream can be considered healthy...dairy), and really focuses on finding a job that I enjoy! Happy soon to be New Year Part II!!!!
Today's Thoughts
7 years ago