Great news! I've lost 2 more pounds. Granted I wish the overall number was higher since I started in January, but I'm not discouraged. Had a great holiday weekend! Started with a Colgan football win on Friday, breakfast with Paul, Meagan, Quincy, Megan, Tim, Mom & Dad on Saturday, a Pitt State win on Saturday afternoon, and Quincy's 1st birthday party Saturday night. Then I had Sunday and Monday to recoup. I must admit I ate awful this weekend as we celebrated both Paul's birthday (breakfast with cinnamon rolls) and Quincy's 1st birthday (and yes there was leftover cake). We celebrated their birthday's early since they were in town.
Now, I need to stay focused on this week. I've got Megan's kids on Wednesday and I'll go to KC to watch Quincy on Friday...quality time with my favorite niece and nephews. Hopefully, I can eat better this week and get some walks in between my time with the kids. Need to stay focused on the weight loss goals as I'm looking for a new job. I want to look good in those interview outfits. :)
So far, no feedback on the resumes. I'm not going to stress about it. I'm saying my novena and putting my future into God's hands. Whatever is meant to happen will happen!
Today's Thoughts
7 years ago