Great news...I haven't gained any weight in 8 hours. Woo Hoo!!!! Seriously, one must find little things in life to enjoy. I mean we can't all have our own reality show that motivates us to try our hardest to win cash, prizes, and fame. Oh, but wouldn't it be fun if we did. Sponsors to help with the cost for exercise equipment, the best trainers, nutritionists, in some cases psychologists, working out and sweating like crazy, weighing in for everyone to see, your hair not done, no make-up, wearing tight clothes so people can see the change, knowing that once the weight is off we will be judged if we gain it back...where was I going with this?
Oh yeah, isn't it great to be doing this in the privacy of my own home with family and friends cheering me on to lose the dreaded weight. Being able to use my blog as my own personal confession camera, weigh in tracker, and motivational tool. Who needs a reality show to succeed? Not me! All I need is will power, motivation (to all good-looking, single men, I will be exercising in the morning if you care to be my scenery), and a positive outlook. But let's not go all sponsor's out there...I'm always willing to be someone's Jared. Subway...Eat Fresh!
Today's Thoughts
7 years ago