I know what you are thinking..."Oh no, what is wrong? Did she hurt her fingers? Did she go on a binge? Is her mind finally going? I mean, the girl hasn't blogged in forever". Was I close? Was that what you were thinking? Let me tell you, I totally have forgotten that I haven't been blogging. Oh no, my mind is going!!!!
Seriously, things have been crazy busy so I just forget. So, here is a recap of the days since my last post....
I have not lost any weight this week, but I haven't gained either. I'm stuck at the 10 pound weight loss. I need to pick up my game instead of food this week. The structure (my neighbor's shed) is finally out of my yard and the fence is fixed. Whoo hoo! Duke & KU lost in the NCAA basketball tournament...darn it! So, I'm cheering for Butler to win it all this year. I just love a Cinderella team! I can say that now that my teams have lost. :) My nephews get cuter and cuter everyday. I had the kids while my sister and her husband were out of town. Can I just say, I love when they fight over who gets to sit next to me. Petty, I know. Makes me smile every time though. Finally, I finally got an answer to my medical problems.
As I've mentioned in past posts, I've had back pain for a little over a year. The epidural shot helped, but in September my hips started to hurt. I was warned that this could be due to my degenerative disk in my back. So, I had another round of epidural shots. When that didn't work, my pain doctor said he thought I had bursitis. So, I got a shot for that. That didn't work, so we went to Mayo to get a second opinion on having back surgery. They said that my back looked good for the time being, & they gave me two more shots for bursitis. That didn't work. Finally, I decided to go see the orthopedic doctor that did my knee and shoulder surgery (he doesn't do backs). He said that if I was his daughter, he would have me see a hip specialist. So, on Wednesday, we drove 4 hours to see the hip specialist. I was sure he would say back surgery was in my future. Nope, he said hip surgery was in my future.
Due to problems I had at birth, I have no fine motor skills on my left side. My left leg is a little shorter than my right and my left leg turns in a little. Other doctors said that this had nothing to do with my pain...WRONG! Apparently, my hip is not working the way it should. So now, I'm going to have to have a two phase procedure/surgery. I'll have to have a rod put in, possibly have my knee worked on as well, & be on crutches for 12 weeks (at least). I'm not really sure what the medical diagnosis is but the diagnosis in layman's terms (according to my doctor) is that I'm just messed up. Please, I made that diagnosis years ago (so did half my family). ;)
Now, I'll go for my second appointment this Friday to find out the extent of the damage. That will determine if my surgery will take place in Oklahoma or Texas. I'm a little scared of the whole surgery thing, but I can't wait to start feeling better! I owe Dr. Stringer so much. If he hadn't referred me to Dr. Martin, I would have had back surgery, but it wouldn't have fixed my hip pain.
I can't wait to be pain free, start exercising again, and seriously start losing weight. It is amazing how a correct diagnosis can make you feel so much better even though your pain stays the same. Thank you so much Dr. Stringer!!!! You are the best!!!!!
Today's Thoughts
7 years ago