Who am I kidding? Legs are a much needed appendage!!!! Exercise instructors should take that into consideration when calculating the number of squats and lunges a person must do in the name of exercise. The front of my thighs hurt so bad!!!! Now, I know what all of you crazy "I love to exercise" people are thinking...it's a good hurt. Yeah, it might be a good hurt if I didn't have to do it again tomorrow morning. Seriously, they should consider starting classes on Thursday so you have the weekend to recover.
Hopefully, overnight, coffee will be synonymous with water and a great hydrating drink. Hopefully, my 5:45am class changes to 5:45pm. Hopefully, my legs will be better tomorrow and I won't collapse during my push ups. I'm noticing a trend...oh well, all I can do is hope!
Today's Thoughts
7 years ago
at least you know you did something from this feeling! you worked hard and it will start to show very soon! great job friend!!!