Sunday, February 28, 2010

Day 32 - Closing Ceremonies

I can't believe the Olympics are over. As you all know, the Olympics have been a motivational tool for me and my weight loss. As you all know, I have so much in common with the athletes...a great story (not really), endorsement deals (I wish), and a healthy outlook on the use of spandex (Ok, seriously, I know it helps the sport but come on). So maybe I don't have a lot in common with the athletes. I mean, they might be coordinated, graceful, and entertaining to watch, but can they make you laugh? (Oh wait, I forgot about Johnny Weir...darn).

Tonight, is a solemn night, as I attempt to get my first and only gold medal. Just like Steven Holcomb and the "Night Train" bobsledders, I too have waited many years to capture that all elusive gold medal. (Ok, more like many days, but many years sounds so much better. It may even illicit a tear or two. Oh well). Unlike Steven Holcomb, I would not be caught dead in spandex (and yes I realize that he does it for the sport), so needless to say no spandex was in sight at my weigh in (thank goodness). I took several deep breaths and took that huge step on the scale. It was now in the judges hands.

Again, the Americans loved me (thanks readers), the Italians were pleased with my carb intake and gave higher scores than before, the French still low balled me due to my lack of a significant other...Zut(It's French for darn), and Switzerland was going to be neutral (because that's what Switzerland does), but they (meaning me) were so proud of the number they saw (I saw) that they gave me the GOLD!!!! The crowd (of one) goes wild!!!!

It was amazing!!! People were crying and cheering in disbelief. They were in awe of what I had accomplished during my Olympic Journey. They were touched by my life story (or amused by it), and they couldn't wait to see my interview with Bob Costas. However, since I'm such a shy and reserved individual (and humble), I have decided not to do any interviews or photos at this time. I have, however, given the US Olympic Committee permission to post a picture of my medal for everyone to enjoy.

From someone who better get down off the podium since it is also my scale...Amy

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Day 31 - The stress is killing me

Let me start today by giving a birthday shout out to three very important people! To my are the best. I hope that if I ever marry that I find someone as special as you. To my are a great young man and I'm proud of all that you do. Finally, to my cousin-in-law, my sister of the heart, and my fellow blogger...I thank you for your friendship and love. I feel like I was given a gift when you married into the family!!! May all of you have a great birthday, and know that you are being thought of today!

Now, I must speak about the closing ceremonies. I must admit I'm upset to see the Olympics end, but I will enjoy getting more sleep when it is all said and done. I'm completely stressed about my closing ceremonies weigh in tomorrow. I want to win the gold so bad (which is surprising since I look better in silver) but I just don't know if I dropped the weight. It seems as if, for me, 189 is that unattainable weight goal that cannot be reached. It doesn't help that my eating schedule is still off kilter. I spent all yesterday evening working on a highlight basketball video for my sister's basketball team, and I didn't even eat dinner. Food actually slipped my mind...who would of thought. I'm hoping my body forgives me and lets me drop a pound! Please, oh please!!!!

As for the couch queen, she will not be a running machine in the near future. Due to my crazy schedule the next couple of weeks, I feel lucky if I even have time to ride the bike. So, for now, my couch queen status will reign supreme until after basketball season. To my fellow runners, keep up the good work, and I will join you after basketball season.

From a gold medal wannabe...Amy

Friday, February 26, 2010

Day 30 - I hate the Olympics!

What! No way! She has been such a fan. What could have caused this turn around? Is she ok? Oh no, has she gained weight? I'm sure all of these thoughts are running through your head. The shock, the disbelief, the stunned is like you just saw me fall when I attempted to do my triple-toe loop (whatever that is...nice figure skating reference though). However, today, my thoughts and feelings are somewhat negative because due to the Olympics I'm losing sleep!!!!

Normally, this wouldn't bother me, but then I read an article that says lack of sleep can cause weight gain (Parents everywhere are agreeing). I probably shouldn't blame the Olympics but blame NBC instead. Do I really need to see one of their commentators telling us about the beauty of Canada? No, save it for late night and show the events in prime time! Whew, now I feel better.

So, last night was a great night for the USA Nordic Combined participants as we won both the gold and silver. It is because of these two individuals that I feel motivated to get on my elliptical. Maybe if I workout on the elliptical instead of the treadmill, I'll feel more like an Olympian. Did I mention that my elliptical is a Nordictrack? See, brilliant! Too bad it is covered in boxes in the garage and unreachable. I guess that means I'm stuck on my treadmill! Gotta run...get it run...hahaha! I kill me! :)

From someone wanting "to dream the impossible dream, to fight the unbeatable foe, to bear with unbearable sorrow, to run where the brave dare not go" (you do realize I'm still talking about reaching my elliptical, right?)...Amy

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Day 29 - Do you know what my problem is?

As I was writing my day 29 title, I thought that this is a very appropriate question to put to my readers. Then, I reviewed who my readers are and realized that maybe this wasn't the best question. I mean I can just see the comments and phone calls from all of you that would love to contribute. :) So instead of you answering the question, I will. My problem is I still don't have an endorsement deal for the Olympics!!! Can you believe it? It boggles the mind! I mean, there has to be a company out there that wants a complete unknown, with no athletic talent to represent them during these exciting times. So, I realized that my problem is that I have not had an Olympic biography story done during these games. Quite the oversight (plus it has to be better than the story NBC has been doing on bears in Canada and dog sledding activities). So here goes...

I grew up in a battle torn, country town in Kansas. (Ok, actually it is a small town and the only battles are border battles in football and basketball, but I have to sell my story). My home could be found on some of the mean streets in our town. (Well, I grew up on the MAIN streets of our town as my mom and dad liked to move a lot. Does that count?). By the time I was in junior high and high school I was fighting multiple addictions. Unfortunately, I didn't stand a prayer against my "drugs" of choice as the craving is in my blood. Yep, I'm Irish and Italian. I don't stand a prayer against potatoes and pasta. It has taken me many years to try to overcome my addiction to carbs, and it is a battle I still fight today. I then moved on to harder "drugs" pop and ice cream. Yes, I moved on to the hard stuff. Sadly, this addiction has lasted into my adult life and puts my Olympics dreams at risk. Thankfully, I'm starting to turn things around. As the Olympics draw to a close, I'm closer than ever to achieving my own Olympic goal. The Americans are behind me 100% (my blog isn't internationally known yet). As I near the conclusion of the Olympic games and reaching one of my short term goals, I realize that my story has motivated a nation (actually, I've motivated a small few but does quantity really matter?). It is knowing that I'm the poster child for my Olympic games that keeps me focused and driven. I can succeed and I will win!!!!

Seriously, it brings a tear to the eye doesn't it? To know, that most of you have unknowingly enabled my addictions by making great food and sweets. But don't feel guilty. I have been great at hiding my problems. Who am I kidding, I weigh 190...there is nowhere to hide that. :) Seriously, it is because of all of you that for the first time, I truly feel motivated to lose the weight. I have started and failed at dieting many times, but for the first time, I know I can succeed! Thank you for your support (since no company or industry will support me). It is greatly appreciated!!!

From someone with another sad Olympic tale...Amy

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Day 28 - I don't believe in excuses

Well, it is a sad day today! I did not reach gold medal status, and I did not make the podium. Yep, I didn't lose any weight this week, but the good news is that I didn't gain either. I'm still 190 pounds (darn it). Now, I don't believe in excuses but...
*You know my furnace broke so I have no heat at my house. I'm sure my body went into protection mode. To ensure I stayed warm, my body held onto every pound I had so that I remained healthy (way over the top).
*You know I started the Couch to 5K Running Program, and my body was so shocked by the jogging that it just stopped functioning all together (still over the top).
*You know, the dog ate my scale so I couldn't weigh in, but I'm sure I lost a pound (since I'm scared of dogs, nobody would believe it...darn).
*You know I didn't eat the best this week or workout like I should, so I didn't lose but I maintained this week. (Who would believe that? Obviously, the first excuse is the most believable.)

Believe it or not, the last "excuse" is why I didn't lose any weight this week. Shocking isn't it? I'm still pleased that I didn't gain, but I need to work on my eating habits. I was doing a great job eating the right foods and having snacks in between meals. This past week, however, I faltered. There were a few instances where I would eat breakfast and lunch at the normal times (7am and noon) and then eat dinner at 9pm with no snacks. This definitely does not help stabilize the blood sugar. So, this week I really need to focus on eating right as well as exercise more. On the days where I don't run, I need to be on the bike. I need to keep moving to keep my metabolism and spirits up.

Due to the fact that the Olympics end this week, I have decided to have a second weigh in on Sunday. This will be my own closing ceremony as I say goodbye to the sports that have meant so much to me on this journey. Wish me luck!

From your no excuses girl...Amy

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Day 27 - I'm so out of shape

Yesterday, I had an epiphany...I'm out of shape! Ok, so I've always known. I mean the 190 pounds kind of gave it away, but still, I'm soooo out of shape. Yesterday, I started the first workout in the Couch to 5K Program. Let's see, how do I explain my experience? To best sum up my experience, I would have to compare me jogging to the Olympic Freestyle Aerials.

You start out slow as you approach the ramp(warm-up), you pick up speed as you go up the ramp (jogging for one minute), and then you do what most consider crazy twists and turns in the air (crazy twists is the equivalent to the idea of me jogging) only to pray that you stick the landing and don't fall on your face (my jello legs hopefully holding up so I can get off the treadmill). As you can see, the activities are quite similar. To be honest, it wasn't too bad. I did start out way too fast which I was paying for by the end of the evening. I ended up with sore knees, but in the long run it will be worth it (see I'm already incorporating running into my daily life).

So, tomorrow is medal day!!! Hopefully, I will reach the 189 pound range and receive my gold medal. If I do, I have decided that I will need to give myself a little gift for reaching this goal. I'm thinking I will buy myself something in a gray color, that's a little bulky, and makes me feel comfy. Yep, I'm buying myself a furnace! Oh, I hope I reach my goal!!! On the other hand, the cold will keep me moving. Anyway, it isn't necessarily the gift I wanted to give myself, but a gift is a gift. Here's hoping for a happy tomorrow!

From your gotta keep moving to stay warm girl (I can feel the pounds melting away as we speak)...Amy

Monday, February 22, 2010

Day 26 - I may be defeated in my quest for gold

Today is a sad day on so many levels! First, it's a Monday, need I say more. Second, I'm going to start running today (Lord help me). Finally, my dream of Olympic domination (weighing under 190) may be over (pass the handkerchief please). I know you are all saddened by this turn of events, but I'm hoping I can keep the dream alive (enter your own inspirational background music here).

Yesterday was a great day for two reasons. First, it was Julie's birthday! Second, my nephew Cade won his basketball tournament. They were down seven with two minutes left. They got within two and Cade made the basket to tie and the freethrow for the win. It was great!!! So, in honor of Cade's win, we went out to eat, and this is where I faltered (enter sad background music here...anything that brings a tear to your eye).

The Olympians in Alpine Skiing have Whistler Creekside to deal with, and my venue (that I fear) is Cafe Del Rio. A venue that sets unlimited chips and dip in front of you, as the wait staff goes along their merry way allowing you to stuff yourself before you have even ordered (oh, the cruelty). So yesterday, I hoped to overcome the dominant chip mountain, but alas I failed. Or should I say fell since I'm comparing it to skiing? Oh well, either way you look at it, the chips and dip got the best of me. I was like a skier racing down hill making great time until I caught soft snow and crashed. That's being too kind! I tumbled over and over again. It wasn't pretty, and I didn't recognize the danger I was in until the end of the meal. The spectators were shocked. Ok, nobody noticed but me, but it sounded better to say that there were spectators. So, alas, my dream of a gold may have come to an end.

I need to spend these next two days training (enter Rocky theme music here) and eating better than I did yesterday. I need to get an old white guy with silver hair to tell me "You can do it"! Wait, I think I'm combining the guy from Rocky with the the guy from the Waterboy. Anyway, I need to be the best I can be (and no, I'm not joining the army). I will succeed or die trying!!! Ok, not really, but didn't it sound inspired? Well, I better go get started (enter your own montage of me training, and if you want to make me 30 pounds lighter I won't stop you). Have a good one!

From a Rocky & Waterboy inspired girl...Amy

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Day 25 - You're going to what?

I have decided to give up my dream of being a poet. I know what you are thinking...but your last post was so inspiring. But alas, I do not think that poetry greatness is in my future. Instead, I have decided to focus on my body. Scary thought! Thanks to my friend and fellow blogger, Kristen, I have become a fan of the Couch to 5K Running Plan (and I mean fan with lowercase and very tiny writing).

Now as Kristen was first explaining the plan to me, I thought she was crazy. I mean who runs for enjoyment (except for crazy, I love to run people)? Let's face it, people that run, do it to stay in shape, but also because they like it. Boggles the mind doesn't it. I mean, I can see wanting to run if there is an objective that forces that type of activity. You know what I mean...playing sports, chasing your kids, running after a man, or chasing an ice cream truck. You know, a goal! Let's face it, Julia Roberts didn't find happiness in the Runaway Bride until she hung up her running shoes.

So I have decided that maybe the reason I do not have a man in my life is because I can't catch one. Maybe it's the shoes. Ok, that didn't sound right! Maybe, the reason I don't have a man in my life is because I'm so insecure in my own self image right now (working on it) and others are aware of it. That option certainly makes more sense, but I'd rather blame it on the running! So, I'm going to make the ultimate sacrifice for my goal to lose weight. I'm going to "gulp" try to start running. The plan sounds simple, so we'll see how it goes. To aid me in my journey, I will end today with a short prayer.

Lord, give me the strength to get on the treadmill and run for fun. May my feet be nimble, my feet be quick, please let me jump over a candlestick. Let it be fun, and help me to run, toward a goal and not in a hole. Give me the will and give me the grace not to fall flat on my face. This is my prayer this is my plea, please let there be ice cream for me. (Ice cream...Amen)

Ok, maybe there still is a tiny poet in me trying to break free. I swear, I'm stopping now. :)

From your favorite couch potato that hopes to eventually run a 5K instead of rolling one...Amy

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Day 24 - A genius in the making?

So, I've decided that maybe the Olympics aren't for me. And, after my last two attempts at slogan writing, I feel like that is not my calling either. Maybe, I'm being called to be the next great writer in the modern era. I could be the next William Shakespeare or Dr. Seuss. What do you think?

The Battle Within in 2010
The battle within in 2010 is a plan to succeed, but I don't want to mislead. My goal to lose weight will help me feel great. To find love and affection by a change in direction. I know it sounds ambitious but I plan to eat nutritious. To find a man, any way I can. I still plan to be me, and I foresee, a change for the best that will definitely be a test.

The Olympic games has helped inflame, my dream to succeed, that is my theme. I can't ski or skate, but man I feel great. I've lost six pounds and I know how that sounds. It isn't so much, but it's still quite a rush. To know I'm succeeding without any bleeding. I wish I could take flight just like Shawn White, and win a gold for sights to behold. But that's just me, to a degree. I wrote this blog as cheap therapy. I'm taking it slow, I hope you know, which will help enable me to grow. I have love and affection for this sports section. I've written to perfection my hopes and my dreams, and all is now as it seems. So, how does this post end? Well, I hope to win the battle within.

From a rhyming queen who has seen that writing can be pretty biting, but alas I realize a poet I'm not, when it comes to writing I know squat...Amy

Friday, February 19, 2010

Day 23 - Just another day

Happy Friday to all! As most of you know, I have been competing in my own personal Olympics. Unfortunately, it has not been as exciting as I thought it would be. I mean, I don't have a cute hat (a la Lindsey Vonn), I don't have a soundtrack (Rascal Flatts call me), and I'm still waiting for that lucrative endorsement deal that will take me from a complete unknown to hey, you look familiar. But alas, none of this is in my future. Instead, I'm sidelined with an injury.

I know what you're it her back again, shoulder, knee (amazingly, I do sound like an Olympic athlete)? But my injury is mental! Ok, that didn't sound good. My injury is emotional due to the stress of the games. Here is some food for thought...when I started this journey I was 196, and I have now lost 6 pounds. I'm so close to the gold (189 range) that I can taste it! See my for thought, taste it...even my thoughts revolve around food. What if I choke at the last minute? Oh no, another food reference! Ok, I just need to breathe. I can't let this "injury" affect my game plan.

For the next couple of days I need to be positive that I can soar above the competition (my own self doubt) and focus on the prize (an interview with Bob Costas...I mean losing the weight). I can succeed! I'm not lean, I'm not a fighting machine, but I'm clean and a writing fiend (needs work) :) Have a good weekend!

From the writing fiend who is not lean, but can be mean and delightingly seen (still needs work)...Amy

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Day 22 - Motivation

Today, my mother said something profound to me. She said, if I lose a pound a week, I will lose 52 pounds in a year. I know what you are thinking...duh, your mom just stated the obvious. Really though, I never thought of it like that. When I started this blog, I said that I was taking the sport's saying "go big or go home" to heart. Well, I've added a new sport's mantra...slow and steady wins the race. I need to quit focusing on how long it is taking to lose the weight, and I just need to be grateful that what I am doing is working. It didn't take me one day to gain the weight, so why would it take one day to lose it all.

So, I'm going to be like gold medal snowboarding champ Shawn White (us curly haired people need to stick together). I'm going to excel at my goal and push myself to be better. Last night, as I watched American Idol (sponsored by Coke...Twist the Cap to Refreshness. Seriously, new slogan writer needed) on my Samsung (Picture yourself in the fun) drinking my Diet Rite (Live well, Live Rite) and eating my cheese pizza from Pizza Hut (Now Your Eating!), I realized that what motivates these Olympic athletes isn't endorsement deals and money (that's just the perk), but they are motivated by being the best in their field. So for the remaining of the year, I'm going to be the best in my field...the field of me (ok, that's as corny as Coke's slogan). Seriously, I'm going to conquer every obstacle in my way including my own will power. Dieting...lose the weight and feel great! (Not my best slogan, but I'll work on it).

From your motivated, product endorsing, Olympic loving girl...Amy

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Day 21 - Weigh in day

Another week, another weigh in day. Now, I know what you are did she do? What medal was she awarded? And, most importantly, what did she wear and was a dance involved? Well, I have good news and bad news. The bad news is I didn't get the gold this week (I didn't reach the 189 range). But, the good news is, I was awarded the silver medal as I reached 190 pounds. Yay me!!!!

Just so you know, the desperation dance jeans are still too tight so they will not be worn on the podium when I accept my medal. While I'm upset that I did not win gold, it did take the pressure off me to choose an anthem song. I mean, originally, my anthem was I'm Fat by Weird Al. I then moved on to Eat It also by Weird Al (wow, I'm seeing a theme). I'm now contemplating Bootylicious by Destiny's Child or It's My Life by Bon Jovi. Let's face it, everyone needs a little Bon Jovi in their lives. Then, of course, my favorite song I'm Too Sexy was in the running, but why make people feel jealous! :) I finally settled on the Biggest Loser theme Proud because, let's face it, I am proud of myself. Seriously...Kleenex call me. Hopefully, next week, I can play my anthem and except a gold medal.

From someone that just wants an endorsement deal before the Olympics are over...Amy

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Day 20 - More Olympics

Happy Fat Tuesday! For once I'm not referring to my weight or diet, but that one day of the year where you eat everything you shouldn't because you're giving it up for Lent. Or is that just something I do? :) However, since I started my Lent early (darn diet), I will not be celebrating this fine holiday. Instead, I will continue to spend my evenings enjoying the Olympics.

You know, the more I watch the Olympics, the more I can't help but compare the various events to my battle for 2010. Take the moguls skiing competition...there are lots of bumps along the way and the same can be true of dieting. However, I cannot fully get behind this sport as they wear bulky clothing for comfort and ease of motion, and I'm trying to move away from that style of dress. Then there is figure minute you are flying high and the next minute you are falling down (yo yo dieting anyone). Again, this is not a sport I can truly embrace as I would never be caught dead in spandex and sequins. Then you have the snowboard cross competition...there are lots of jumps and curves that can cause you to wipeout, but if you stay the course, you can win the race. So far, this is the sport I love the most, they (the Americans) wear jeans!!! Gotta love it!

In all reality though, dieting is like the curling competition. It is slow and boring to watch, but the victory is just as sweet as any other sport. I won't lie, I wish dieting was like speed skating and could be done in a rush. But, I'll just have to accept that I'm a curler. That this dieting process will be slow, boring, and apparently to win I'll need to use a broom more often. Who knew cleaning would be involved...huh.

From your non-spandex, happy in jeans, girl with a broom...Amy

Monday, February 15, 2010

Day 19 - The Olympics

The 2010 Winter Olympics have arrived! To be honest, I did not think I would enjoy watching anything but speed skating, but I have found some of the skiing events very enjoyable. And as I was watching the various events, I realized that my journey is like the Olympics...minus the athleticism, the devotion, the really cool outfits, the medals, the National Anthem, the commentators, and the endorsement deals. Wow! Where was I going with this? Oh yeah, my journey is like the Olympics because it takes drive and heart. There are moments of glory (losing the weight) and moments of defeat (gaining it back), but through it all I don't give up and I keep pushing myself to be a better me. Pass the Kleenex! Please that was beautiful. Wow, Kleenex could be my first endorsement. :)

So, how am I doing? Well according to the American judge I'm perfect (thanks Mom), the Italian judge thinks I need work (too many carbs), the French judge wouldn't even score me (no significant other), and Switzerland was neutral (that would be me). So, at this time I have not received a medal or gotten to the podium, but I made it past the first round of competitions. I hope that by the end of the month I have made it to the finals and landed a medal (weight 189 or lower). Wish me luck! Oh by the way, I even have my own Olympics Rings...

From your Favorite Olympian

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Day 18 - Happy Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day all! I know what you are thinking, Amy always writes about her diet, but she hasn't said anything about her quest for love. Well, I have decided to put that quest on the back burner. I'm not 100% confident with my own self-image at this point which can sometimes come across when you meet new people. So, I'm not actively looking, but if somebody were to fall into my lap (and yes, I'm giving all family members permission to push all good looking eligible men into my lap) I wouldn't push him off. :)

I did, however, receive flowers from four handsome young men (Cade, Cooper, Carston, and Colton). I must admit I spend a lot of time with these cuties and love them dearly! I also appreciate my sister & brother-in-law sharing them with me! I hope everyone has a great Valentine's Day.

Love your valentine...Amy

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Day 17 - Hanging on by a thread

As I mentioned yesterday, I fell off the diet wagon (darn carbs) and I'm struggling to reboard. I'll be honest, I'm hanging onto that wagon by a thread. Typically, when I reach this point in my diet, I say I'll eat bad today and start fresh tomorrow. Oh, but tomorrow's Sunday...cheat day! Ok, I'll start Monday. However, I'm not falling into that trap this time (not that it isn't tempting).

I also discovered something new about myself. During the week, I'm my charming, witty self, but on weekends I resemble a computer. I'm sure you're thinking to yourself "a computer?". Yep, a computer! I have so much information (mostly useless) floating through my mind all day, but after a few minutes I shut down and go into hibernation mode. With that being said, I have reached my Saturday limit of charm, wittiness, and let's face it...concentration. Must hibernate!!! Hope everyone has a nice Saturday.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Day 16 - What happened?

It is official...I have fallen off the wagon and took all the carbs on board with me! To be fair, I did stay within my calorie range yesterday, but almost every meal consisted mainly of carbs. Oh the joy...I mean shame. Like most women, I love my carbs and yesterday was no exception. However, if I want to keep dropping the pounds I need to have the right percentage of protein, carbs, and fat (this helps regulate the blood sugar).

So, I have decided that I need to get back on the wagon. Unfortunately, I had a breakfast of carbs this morning, so the wagon has already left for the day. Great! Now, I'm going to have to chase the wagon, attempt to jump on board (a la John McLain and every Die Hard movie Bruce Willis has done), and take control of the wagon. Wish me luck!

From your wagon chasin' friend...Amy

By the way, if you could burn calories based on your dreams alone, I'd be a size 2! Have a good weekend!!!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Day 15 - Oh my goodness, Oh my goodness

I thought that yesterday would be a great day, and I would bask in the glory of my pound and a half weight loss. But oh no, instead my emotions were all over the place last night. I felt everything from disgust, anger, frustration, incredulousness, amazement, and finally joy. I know what you are thinking...oh great, she tried to do her desperation dance again (Reference to Day 9). And, no I did not! I'm talking about the Duke/UNC game. Seriously, UNC can't buy a win and Duke almost hands the game to them. Oh my goodness, we only won by 10!!!

Now, as you read the above paragraph, you are thinking to yourself...boy, she went through an emotional roller coaster. I bet her heart rate increased and decreased dramatically. Does that speed up the metabolism? Is that just as good as a 30 minute workout? I WISH!!!! Scientifically, I don't think it is considered exercise, but the emotional upheaval (and close game)did make me sweat. If I lose more than a pound next week, I may need to include close basketball games as exercise (only college games Megan, not high school). We shall see!

From Your Duke Darling

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Day 14 - Did I or Didn't I?

Well, I'm sure you guys are all just dying to know...did I lose weight or didn't I? Am I succeeding in my goal or did I fall flat on my face? Was the cheat day worth it or not? Will she ever stop asking questions? Great! One of my goals in 2010 was to ask less questions, and I'm already failing that goal. Ugh!

So, is the suspense killing you? Jeez, another question! Ok, I'm just going to make an observation...I would make a hell of a suspense writer. I'm sure some of you are sitting at your computer screens yelling, "No, don't step on the scale" with scary background music playing. She's rambling...this is truly a horror story. Seriously, you can admit it, you feel like you are reading an excerpt from a scary movie and wishing you had my talent. Just kidding!!

So, the result...drum roll please...I did it! I lost a pound and a half!!! I'll be honest. I was afraid I was going to have to move the scale all around the house until I found a spot that would show weight loss (I admit I may use that idea at a later date). I'm really pleased, but this is almost the most dangerous time (for me) of the whole weight loss process. I'm proportionate so without a scale I can't tell when I gain or lose, and I can't tell in my clothes so I tend to get discouraged. I hope that by keeping up this blog (or as I like to think of therapy), I will be able to visually see a change in my appearance emotionally as well as physically.

Thank you all for your support!
From Wes Craven's Protege...Amy

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Day 13 - Day before second weigh in

Ok! I'm just making an observation, but isn't it a little sad that my troll doll has more fashion sense than I do? Seriously! If you were to look into my closet you would see black or red, and when I'm feeling daring...a red and black pattern. Wow, right? I mean I have other colors in my wardrobe, but let's face it, 80% of my clothing choices revolve around these colors. As Georg Festrunk (Dan Aykroyd) and
Yortuk Festrunk (Steve Martin) would say..."I'm one wild and crazy gal"! I will say this, my style is better than theirs.

The second weigh in is tomorrow. I'm hopeful that I've lost some weight, but if I haven't, I'm sure I'll handle it well. I may cry, but I'll be ok. I may laugh hysterically, but I'll be fine. I may go shopping (GASP)! Yes, I may need to buy a book (I mean it's not like I'd buy clothes), but I will soldier on. No matter what happens, I will keep the spirit of my Czechoslovakian brothers and be wild and crazy (but hopefully better dressed).

Have a good one!
From One Wild & Crazy Gal

Monday, February 8, 2010

Day 12 - Discovery

Well, it is official. The New Orleans Saints are Super Bowl Champs!!! I must say that I enjoyed every aspect of the game, except I hated that Payton Manning had an interception. Some sports writers are already giving him grief about "choking" in the big game. Personally, I think Payton is a class act, and I'm happy for the Saints.

Along with watching the Super Bowl this weekend, I made a discovery (with the help of my mother). My hair is growing back!!! For those of you that know me, you realize that I have PCOS. PCOS affects 7% of women. How lucky I am? Seriously, I would rather be the majority of women in this case instead of the minority, but you play the hand your dealt. Let's face it, my hand isn't too bad in the grand scheme of things, but it does make it difficult for me to lose weight and can cause male pattern baldness...nice. :( Seriously, losing you hair is so not fun especially when it is one of your best features.

However, thanks to my mom, I realize that my hair is growing back. She noticed it on Friday when we were at Mom D's (my grandmother's) house for lunch. She said I must have new hair growing in because I had a lot of hair standing straight up (even though my hair was pulled back. So, I'm now officially a chia pet or a troll doll (minus the crazy colors), take your pick. What is the point of having naturally curly hair if the new hair won't curl? Oh well, at this point I'm just happy I have hair! I'm all about being grateful for the small things. Hopefully, things will continue to go in my favor. We will see on Wednesday when I have my next weigh in. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

From Your Favorite Troll Doll....Amy

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Day 11 - Cheat Day

Super Bowl Sunday has arrived!!! To be honest, I like both teams, so I don't care who wins. I do hope that it is close though (close games are always the most fun). I'm also excited because today is my cheat day. During the Super Bowl, I'm going to have two slices of hamburger/canadian bacon pizza and a 40 calorie chocolate fudge pop for dessert. Yay!

Ok, as I finished typing that last sentence, I realized that sounded a little sad and pathetic. I mean, is food really that important? Apparently, for me, the answer is yes. With that being said, if I don't lose weight this week, cheat day will be a thing of the past. Seriously, I'm proud of my diet this past week. I have stayed within my calorie limit and percentage of fat/carbs/protein this past week. Again, yay you can see I'm a true believer of positive reinforcement.

Hope everyone has a good one!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Day 10 - TGIS

I love Saturdays!!! I love sleeping in on the weekends! Sorry, parents. I realize that you don't have the luxury, but you will be happy to know that for me sleeping in is 7am. it! Weekends also give me time to reflect (which could be a good or bad thing). This weekend, I'm reflecting on my diet. It is going great, if I do say so myself. So, I decided to do what most diet gurus suggest...set a goal, get a reward. Upon reflection, I realized all of my rewards revolved around food.

Hello! My name is Amy, and I love food. Help!!! I need ideas for rewards when big goals are met. I mean I could buy a new outfit when I reach a new size, but I kept all of my old clothes. I mean, come on, I knew I would be back in them someday. True, I don't think I realized that someday would be a decade, but..oh well! Plus, I hate shopping!!! Granted once I lose the weight, I might enjoy it. However, I doubt it. I could go get my hair colored and done. But, let's face it, the gray hair is saying I need to do that anyway. I could take a trip (Kristen, I'll pack my bags), but I want that to be my final reward. Depending on how long this takes, I might reward myself with a trip twice...once when I lose half and again when I reach my goal.

Well, my head is starting to hurt. I mean, I can only reflect for so long. :) If anybody has any ideas don't hesitate to let me know. Enjoy you weekend!

Friday, February 5, 2010

Day 9 - The desperation dance

Happy Friday!!! So, today I decided to get a baseline to see how close or far I am to getting into a pair of size 16 jeans. In order to get this baseline, I had to do what I call the desperation dance. Many of you are familiar with the dance if not the title. It is where you start to put on a pair of pants and then do the following: pull, push, plead, and pledge never to eat bad again as long as these stupid things fit. Then through divine intervention (and a lot of sweat and effort), they are where they are supposed to be. Then the next challenge begins...getting them buttoned. When in doubt, lay on a flat surface and you will be amazed at how easy those suckers button. So, this is what I did (including the bed scenario). Needless to say, if I had to choose between a smaller size pair of jeans or breathing, I will always choose breathing! Ok, let's be would depend on the pair of jeans. :)

After conducting my test, I realize that I am not ready for a size 16 yet. Notice the word YET! I have no doubt that by the end of the month I will be ready to slip into a size 16 (or at least not dance my way into them).

Have a great day!
From the Dancing Diva

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Day 8 - Not a dream

I'm so excited!!! Yesterday was not a dream. I did lose one pound. This is how sad I am...I weighed myself again this morning thinking it was a fluke. I was sure the powers that be (the weight gods...I think God is busy in Haiti) had the scale read 193 because they knew I really needed to see positive change. I was sure the scale would read 195 today, but low and behold I was still 193. In the 16 days that I have been monitoring my weight, I have dropped three pounds! Yay!!!!!

I can already tell that today is going to be a good day For the following reasons: 1) I remembered to but the coffee grounds in the coffeemaker when I brewed coffee this morning (unlike yesterday), 2) KU won (thank goodness they beat Colorado), and 3) we haven't had any snow or ice today (or should I say yet?). Also, I have added a new monthly goal. I have decided that I want to get rid of my second chin. Who knew that babies were not the only ones affected by this phenomenon. I hope everyone has a great day!!!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Day 7 - A review of week one

Hi all! Today was weigh in day, and I'm pleased to say I lost one pound!!! Now for most people this would not be a big deal, but anyone with PCOS knows this is the equivalent of a three pound week. Yay me!!! To be honest, I shouldn't be surprised that I lost. I could already feel a difference. I mean my shoes felt a little looser. :)

I'm thrilled and this just motivates me to keep going. It also helps to hear that my family and friends are motivated as well. It has always been my life's goal to motivate skinny people to lose weight. :) Seriously, I'm happy that my determination is motivating other people to reach their own goals.

As for this past week, the diet changed. I'm now doing a high protein diet with equal amounts of slow and fast carbs. My exercise regime is just to exercise! It can be an exercise video, walking, or riding a bike...just as long as I do something!!! As for the trying not to talk too much or ask too many questions, I'm doing a good job there as well. Honestly, I'm not sure if it is because I'm talking less or because I really haven't had many people to talk to this week (parents don't count). Finally, the dressing better. I'm kind of succeeding on this point. If I know I'm going to be out (a ballgame, store, church, etc), I dress nicely with the works (in other However, since I'm still pleasantly plump, full of life and full figured, or fat (take your pick), It is hard to find clothes that look good and fit. I'm not getting upset though because it is all part of the battle.

Now, a new week begins! Here are my goals for this week...1) stick to the diet (may have a cheat day on Super Bowl Sunday...let's face it, we all need a cheat day), 2) to lose 1 pound this week, and 3) try to wear makeup every day. As for my monthly goal, I would like to weigh 190 by the beginning of March or be a size smaller (in my case, go from a 16W to a 16).

Thanks again for all of you support!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Day 6 - Tomorrow is my first weigh in

The dreaded day before the weigh in is upon me. I must admit I'm a little nervous about tomorrow because I don't want to be disappointed. Regardless of what happens, I have done a great job on my diet and amazingly my water intake. But I still want to lose. I'll even take a half pound. I'm not picky!

Due to the upcoming weigh in, I decided I would up my exercise level (a la Jillian Michaels of the Biggest Loser). No simple walking for me. No sir! I decided I was going to do one of the workouts from Exercise TV. Which, if you have on demand through your cable company, you get many workouts for free. It's great! Unless you don't read the full description.

I first read through the various workouts, and needless to say "Dance Away the Pounds" was not my workout of choice. Luckily, I came across a workout that had "circuit training" and "21" in the title. I thought 21 minutes of circuit training, as a beginner I can definitely do that. Then the video starts and they say those two magic words "No Choreography". Did I mention I'm uncoordinated? I thought this exercise program is a gift from the gods (the exercise gods)! I was ecstatic!!!! Until, the video started with push ups. Do you know how hard it is it lift 194 pounds 15 times? I was still thinking that everything would be fine. I struggled through 15 push ups but I'm only doing this for 21 minutes...I'm strong, I'm motivated, I'm thinking 21 minutes has surely passed! I'm tired, my heart is beating, and I feel sick (note to self...always eat protein before a workout). So, I decide to stop the program and see how much time I have left. This is when I realize I made a reading mistake. Me, a reader, making a reading mistake. The 21 referred to making over your body in 21 days not 21 minutes. The program was 102 minutes long (an hour and 42 minutes)!!!

Are these people crazy!!!! What beginner can go almost two hours? Not this beginner! Especially when you start with push ups!!! So, I did 30 minutes of the 102 minute workout. I felt sore, but good! Hopefully, this workout will help me lose a pound this week! Today, I will definitely read the workout description (in full) before I start.

Here's hoping for a good scale reading tomorrow. :)

Monday, February 1, 2010

Day 5

Come sail away, come sail away, come sail away with me!  I must say that this song has been in my head ever since I decided to up my water intake.  The general rule is 64 oz of water a day or you can drink water based on your weight.  That would mean I would need to drink 99 oz of water a day!  Are you kidding me?  For me, I think 64 oz of water is plenty!

So far, I'm doing good on my food but only alright on my exercise.  However, I only made the decision to start walking a mile or two on Saturday with Sunday being a day of rest.  So today, I begin!  I must admit, I'm a little nervous with my first weigh-in approaching on Wednesday.  However, no matter what happens, I will be positive.  If I lose, it will be because of my hard work and diligence, and if I gain...water weight. :)

Oh, by the way, my new exercise product is the exercise pad.  A simple way to follow the steps!  Have a good one!!!