What! No way! She has been such a fan. What could have caused this turn around? Is she ok? Oh no, has she gained weight? I'm sure all of these thoughts are running through your head. The shock, the disbelief, the stunned silence...it is like you just saw me fall when I attempted to do my triple-toe loop (whatever that is...nice figure skating reference though). However, today, my thoughts and feelings are somewhat negative because due to the Olympics I'm losing sleep!!!!
Normally, this wouldn't bother me, but then I read an article that says lack of sleep can cause weight gain (Parents everywhere are agreeing). I probably shouldn't blame the Olympics but blame NBC instead. Do I really need to see one of their commentators telling us about the beauty of Canada? No, save it for late night and show the events in prime time! Whew, now I feel better.
So, last night was a great night for the USA Nordic Combined participants as we won both the gold and silver. It is because of these two individuals that I feel motivated to get on my elliptical. Maybe if I workout on the elliptical instead of the treadmill, I'll feel more like an Olympian. Did I mention that my elliptical is a Nordictrack? See, brilliant! Too bad it is covered in boxes in the garage and unreachable. I guess that means I'm stuck on my treadmill! Gotta run...get it run...hahaha! I kill me! :)
From someone wanting "to dream the impossible dream, to fight the unbeatable foe, to bear with unbearable sorrow, to run where the brave dare not go" (you do realize I'm still talking about reaching my elliptical, right?)...Amy
Today's Thoughts
7 years ago
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