Today, my mother said something profound to me. She said, if I lose a pound a week, I will lose 52 pounds in a year. I know what you are thinking...duh, your mom just stated the obvious. Really though, I never thought of it like that. When I started this blog, I said that I was taking the sport's saying "go big or go home" to heart. Well, I've added a new sport's mantra...slow and steady wins the race. I need to quit focusing on how long it is taking to lose the weight, and I just need to be grateful that what I am doing is working. It didn't take me one day to gain the weight, so why would it take one day to lose it all.
So, I'm going to be like gold medal snowboarding champ Shawn White (us curly haired people need to stick together). I'm going to excel at my goal and push myself to be better. Last night, as I watched American Idol (sponsored by Coke...Twist the Cap to Refreshness. Seriously, new slogan writer needed) on my Samsung (Picture yourself in the fun) drinking my Diet Rite (Live well, Live Rite) and eating my cheese pizza from Pizza Hut (Now Your Eating!), I realized that what motivates these Olympic athletes isn't endorsement deals and money (that's just the perk), but they are motivated by being the best in their field. So for the remaining of the year, I'm going to be the best in my field...the field of me (ok, that's as corny as Coke's slogan). Seriously, I'm going to conquer every obstacle in my way including my own will power. Dieting...lose the weight and feel great! (Not my best slogan, but I'll work on it).
From your motivated, product endorsing, Olympic loving girl...Amy
Today's Thoughts
7 years ago
Amy, thanks again for lunch! I had a really good time catching up. Hope we didn't wreck the diet, or should I say "new life style" too badly.
I had a great time too! Don't worry, I can say with great confidence we did not ruin the diet...the diet just took a siesta and is no worse for the wear.