Friday, April 30, 2010

Day 93 - Vegas Baby!!!!

It is Friday, and on Sunday I head to Vegas...Yay!!!! I'm excited now, but we'll have to see how excited I am once I get back. I plan on coming home a millionaire!!! Who am I kidding? I just want to bring home no less than $20. Everyone needs a goal and that is mine.

I did need to purchase a few shirts for the trip. Unfortunately, I'm not into all of my summer clothes from last year. So, since I'm single, I want to look somewhat nice while I'm there. I must admit I hated the whole shopping experience. I know what looks halfway decent on my body, but apparently stores do not. They assume everyone wants tight shirts and pants. Hello???? Not all of us are a size 2!!!! Also, what's up with the elastic on short sleeve shirts? Where do they fear the sleeves will go? Crazy!!!

Here's hoping I hit the jackpot this weekend!!! I'll try to blog while I'm gone, but no promises! Have a great weekend!!!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Day 92 - It's all good

Thank you everyone for your words of encouragement! I'm not being too hard on myself, and I'm actually motivated to really lose this next week. Of course, I fell back into old habits last night. We had a party for my sister and her assistant coach last night. Both are retiring as from girls basketball after eight years. It was a small get together that included cake and a chocolate fountain. I couldn't resist, so I used the rationale that I'll be bad today, but good tomorrow. We all know that this can lead to a slippery slope. So, I've decided that I need a personal trainer. Please review the ad, and apply if you meet the criteria.

PERSONAL TRAINER NEEDED...looking for an individual that will enforce strict guidelines to help me lose weight. Does not require any exercise or nutritional knowledge. Must be able to slap my hand and say "No No" when I try to eat what I shouldn't. All parents are welcome to apply!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Day 91 - The aliens have won the battle but not the war

Unfortunately, the aliens won in their attempt to make me gain weight. I gained a pound. I'm actually pleased that it was only a pound. I thought it would be a lot worse. The aliens may have won this week, but I think that I'll take the prize next week.

Seriously, I feel like my diet is a Newton's Cradle. For the most part I'm constant with all of my goals lining up, but if one of the goals becomes displaced, things change. One goal being shifted may cause small shifts in momentum to the small (or middle) goals, but it has a larger impact on the furthest goal. So, I just need to remember to stay constant if I want to succeed. Wish me luck!!!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Day 90 - The aliens have left my body

Whew...the aliens have finally left my body! There was chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream in the freezer, and I didn't go near it. Thank goodness!!! I must say that these past few days have been extremely difficult. My lack of will power (I mean the aliens) really started me on a bad path. I was in the fight of my life this week. The fight against sweets, and I was losing the fight due to a quick right hand that would sneak all sweets past my defenses, and my coach (that inner voice that we all have) was on vacation! The good news is I think I got in a few punches yesterday, but it might be a case of too little, too ate...I mean late! I think that sweets delivered the knockout punch that will put me in the loser column for this week's weight loss. Darn alien body snatchers! That's my story and I'm sticking to it!

Hopefully, my weigh in tomorrow won't be too bad. I just need to regroup and focus for the upcoming week! It too will be a challenge as I will be attending another conference May 2- May 5 in Vegas. This could be very bad! What if I have a clandestine meeting with a brownie? Or start an affair with a chocolate chip cookie? Oh, the temptation!!! Well, you know what the say...What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas (unless it shows up on the hips, legs, and thighs). Funny, how they always forget to add the last part of their slogan...hum.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Day 89 - I don't know nothin'

You know, I always thought that while I might not be a genius, I'm a pretty smart individual. I'm well read (almost every book I have read has told me how NOT to commit a murder), I watch highly stimulating shows (NCIS...those men definitely stimulate), and I'm well versed in the culinary arts (according to Duff, a chain saw is a must for cake decorators...who knew). I might not be a Rhodes Scholar, but let's face it...I'm pretty darn close. So, when it came to my diet, I was pretty sure that I had it figured it. My knowledge of my body and eating habits was of the genius level. Then, this weekend, I realized....I don't know nothin'!!!!

You see, I had no clue that aliens truly existed! They do take over our bodies. Not so much to learn about our planet and to create a new race, but they take over our bodies for one reason only...chocolate! Yep!!!! Science fiction writers have gotten it all wrong. Aliens come to earth and derail our diets by taking over our bodies and gorging themselves on foods we should not eat. It is the only explanation that makes sense! If I'm wrong, that means that I have no will power where chocolate is concerned. It means that my body was not going against everything my brain was telling it as it lifted the chocolate chip cookie toward my mouth. It means that I'm at fault. So, as you can tell, I'm confident that aliens are the culprit! Protect yourselves!!!!

Friday, April 23, 2010

Day 86 - Looking forward to the weekend

Oh man, I'm sooooo ready for the weekend, and I can’t wait to catch up on my sleep! My Dad and I attended a conference in Denver on Tuesday and Wednesday, and needless to say, it was two very long days. Our flight left KC at 6:25am (meaning we were up at 4:15am), got into Denver at 7:30am, our meetings ran from 8:30am-7:30pm on Tuesday, 8:30am-5:30pm on Wednesday, and our flight back to KC was supposed to leave at 7:25pm. It was delayed. We ended up getting in to KC at 11:30pm. By the time we drove home, it was 1:15am. Long trip!!! Thank goodness the pilot promised to "fly the plane like I stole it" to make up for some of the delay.

The funny thing is, if it was a vacation and I was doing fun things, the long days wouldn't have been so bad. Too make matters even worse the conference provided snacks. To all of you that have ever attended a conference at a hotel, you know what this means...bread, donuts, cookies, and brownies. Seriously, would it have killed them to put out some fruit? Thank goodness there was coffee!!!! I never would have survived without it.

Since the individuals at the conference wanted to derail my diet (we all know that was their main goal...the conference was just a ruse) and I kind of let them, I decided to hold off weighing myself until next Wednesday. I know myself well enough, that I know if I saw a 2+ pound weight gain, I would go to the nearest Braums and inhale as much ice cream as possible. So, I decided to remain oblivious to my possible weight gain and live in denial the rest of the week. Hopefully, by Wednesday my weight will be 185, and I can be bummed that I didn't lose any weight but maintained, instead of being bummed that I gained weight. A girl can dream!!!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Day 85 - A sad week

This week has been a tough one. A young man from our area, and one of my brother's friends, passed away earlier this week. He was hiking with his family, and he tragically slipped and fell off a group of rocks. He was only 26 year's-old. I wish that I could say that I was a friend of this young man, but I only knew him through my brother.

I think that is what has made this week so difficult. This was someone that was my brother's age. I can't imagine what it would be like to lose an immediate member of your family, but especially one so young. My thoughts and prayers are with the Meier family during this difficult time.

Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord,
and let perpetual light shine upon him.
May he rest in peace.

No matter what the scale says or what I think about my life, I'm truly blessed to have the life that I do! Live your life to the fullest and enjoy every moment!!!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Day 82 - A new week

Wow...was I bad this weekend! Notice, this was not a question, but a statement. I literally felt like a vacuum this weekend. If it was food and it was in front of me, I ate it. If there was chocolate involved, I ate twice as much! Where was my willpower you ask? Willpower...what's that? That was how bad I was!!!!

You see, it is that time in my cycle where I like to believe that my metabolism speeds up, and that was I why I couldn't quit eating. Oh please, oh please let it be true!!! And let me lose a few pounds! Where was I? Oh yeah, the dreaded weigh in this week. I like to think that if any weight loss occurs this week it is due to the end of my cycle, and me throwing my body off track by eating bad instead of good. It could happen!!! We will just have to wait and see.

I also wanted to let you know that I may be unable to blog on Tuesday and Wednesday as I will be at a conference and may not have access to a computer. Also, that means that my weigh in day will be pushed back until Thursday. Thank goodness!!! Hopefully, the extra day will lead to the dropping of a few pounds. A girl can dream!!! Even though I'll be on the road, I'm going to try to eat the best I can no matter what restaurant I'm at. This is a new week! No more ice cream, hamburgers, tacos, sugary cereal, crispy chicken sandwiches...Hum, maybe I'll just be grateful if I only gain ONE pound!

Friday, April 16, 2010

Day 79 - I love Fridays

I can't tell you how excited I am that today is Friday!!! Why? No reason. I'm still going to be watching my sister's kids so it isn't like I'm going to be lazy. I guess I'm just happy that I won't be behind a computer. Oh, the little things in life. Hope everyone has a nice weekend! Good luck to Cade and the Rookies who are playing in a baseball tournament in KC this weekend!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Day 78 - A new respect for Moms

This week, I've been helping watch my four nephews, and I can't help but think of how lucky my sister and her husband are. I mean, sure, things can get hectic and the kids can get annoying when they don't get their way, but then they do something small and you realize what a blessing parenthood is!!! The oldest (9) gave me a hug before he went to bed last night, and I was so sure that he was too "old" for that. The next oldest (4) told me how much he likes it when I come over. Of course, he also knocked me down a few pegs when he said that he would rather have Grandma come over. :) Oh well! The third child (2) shares my curly hair which just makes him look angelic. He will be playing and out of no where, he will run over and kiss and hug me. Finally, the youngest (1) just looks at you with a slow grin that melts your heart. All you parents out there...I envy you, and pray that I will be so blessed in my life. If not, I'm sure my sister won't miss one! :)

Seriously though, I have a new respect for Moms that are trying to lose weight. Just the last couple of days that I have spent with my nephews has been hard. You tend to snack when they snack, eat a little here and there as you get their meals ready, and it doesn't help when one of the kids wants to feed you too. No wonder, the majority of you parents talk about how hard it is to lose weight. The only advantage (weight wise) to being a parent is you have a great workout regime. My sister's kids have certainly kept me on my toes!!! Who knows if it will lead to a weight loss or gain this coming week, but regardless of what happens, I have gained memories that will last me a lifetime!

To all you moms out there...God bless you!

Making the decision to have a child is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body. ~Elizabeth Stone

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Day 77 - I'm psychic

I'm psychic...who knew? Being a psychic, you would have thought I would know of my abilities but, alas, I did not! Maybe I should get my own show, or I would be happy to guest star on the USA series Psych. I could play a fake psychic too! I mean, I ramble and lose my train of thought just like Shawn and Gus. Sign me up!!!!

Where was I? Oh yeah, I sure called it yesterday when I said that I wouldn't lose any weight this week...darn Chipotle! However, I'm pleased to say that I have not gained any weight either (thank goodness for high protein meals). This week, I'm helping take care of my nephews. I hope and pray that they stay as active as ever so I'm constantly on my toes. Hopefully, this will help with the weight loss next week! Hum...on my toes. Maybe I should try weighing in this way. Just a thought!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Day 76- The bad and the good

Well, the bad news is I most likely will not lose any weight this week. I have no one to blame but myself. I made a trip to visit my brother and his family over the weekend, and I couldn't resist stopping at Chipotle! Who could? Was I good? Did I try to eat high protein, and a small portion? Nope, I gave into the heavenly aromas and got a burrito. Then, to make things worse, I ate the whole thing! Ay, caramba!

The good news is that I am 9 pounds away from what I weighed around this time in 2008. You know, the summer of the "Great Beach Vacation"! Okay, for non-family members, this is when my mom's whole family (36 of us, minus a couple of my siblings and their families) went to the beach in North Carolina. It was a blast!!! Even though I was not as bathing suit ready as I wanted to be, the trip was a lot of fun. Oh, the beach...sand, water, the nice breeze....where was I? Oh yeah, I'm 9 pounds away from my previous best of 176. This is thrilling for so many reasons. Mostly, I'm excited because I have clothes from my time at the beach! No shopping for me!!!!! Yay!!!!! Now, what was the bad again?????

Monday, April 12, 2010

Day 75 - What a weekend!

First, let me start off by saying that I have made a huge decision. I will no longer be blogging on weekends. What can I say...budget cuts! Seriously, I never get on the computer on the weekends, so I totally forget to blog. I wanted to let you all know so that you wouldn't waste your weekend waiting for me to post. :)

As for this weekend, it was great! Uncle Mark and Aunt Margie were in town so quality family time was shared. Then, I went and visited my brother Paul and his family. I got my hair done as well. I was amazed! The lady I went to showed me the correct way to do curly hair. Amazing! Who knew that my curl was supposed to look like it was done with a curling iron. I tried to replicate it this morning, and I would say that I was 80% successful. Not bad! I also got new make-up. Man is that expensive. Then, I got to thinking...I only buy make-up once a year, so really the price wasn't that bad. Still, I thought I was going to have a heart attack! On Sunday, I was able to watch my nephew win his baseball tournament. They beat a team that they had not previously beaten until this tournament. Cade played great, and it was a lot of fun!

I only hope that this week is as great as my weekend!!!

Friday, April 9, 2010

Day 72 - Someone needs a talkin' to

So, I've lost 11 pounds and I'm feeling good! I think to myself, you know I need some workout clothes that don't look 10 years old, and that I'm not embarrassed to be seen working out in. The problem...everything is skin tight! Especially Nike, there XL is a Large and skin tight. Seriously, has anyone thought that maybe skin tight and XL do not go together? To me, this is a duh moment! And they wonder why as a country we are obese. What overweight person wants to walk into a gym wearing skin tight clothes knowing that there are skinny people inside that just don't get it.

You know, I should start a gym chain. They will be called...svelte (for the skinny girls), voluptuous (for the middle sized girls), and A Lot to Love (for the big size girls). Then as you lose weight, your membership changes to the gym that fits you. There would be no embarrassment, no feelings of being judged. Perfect, right? We could even sell my workout video...Cardio Sculpt for the Uncoordinated. I also have a new product idea. Why not have a bungee run...Try for the Guy? Instead of trying to out reach your competitor, have a hot, single guy at the end. What single girl wouldn't be up for that.

All the single ladies, all the single ladies, now put your hands up, oh oh oh...

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Day 71 - I'm excited

Well, this weekend should be fun! I'm going to spend some time with my brother, sister-in-law and niece on Friday and Saturday. Then on Saturday, it is a whole new me. I'm going to a salon that specializes in curly hair (it's about time), and I'm going to do something drastic! Who knows, maybe, I'll chop all of my hair off and rock an Afro. Or, I might change my hair color. I've always wondered, do blonds have more fun? Maybe, I should go red and show my passionate and fiery side (this side does exist, but hides a lot). I could always go coal black and be dark and mysterious. Hum... or I could do my typical trim (an inch at the most) and chocolate brown (see I never escape food) to cover my gray. Any opinions? Or this could be my new look...just a thought!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Day 70 - The miracles, they just keep a comin'

Well, as I'm sure you guessed, I lost another pound. I can only contribute this to another "miracle". I mean, you are all aware of the "torture" that I was subjected to over the weekend. The cruelty of those great cooks and bakers that didn't just bring one type of food. Oh no, they brought two! Desserts that they knew I could not resist. It was their goal to sabotage all that I have accomplished! They all know that my will power does not exist when Oreo (dirt) Cake and Heath Bar Cake are placed in front of me. They (my family) hate me I tell you...hate me!!!! And the Oscar for complete exaggeration with high drama goes to....Amy!!! Thank you!

Seriously, this past week was not a great one by any means, but it wasn't awful. On Saturday, I knew I was going to have a little (little being the key word) of my two favorite desserts. I knew that this wouldn't kill me (maybe bruise me a little, but not kill me) since I had a high protein brunch that day. I have found that if I have normal portions of carbs, protein, and fat four times a week as well as high protein meals three times a week, I will lose at least one pound. For someone with PCOS, this is a great accomplishment. To maintain a one pound a week weight loss is not a certainty for someone with my condition. Needless to say, I'm thrilled!!! I can't wait until my next "miracle"...dropping a pant size.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Day 69 - A post-Easter Miracle

Last night was great! Duke beat a great Butler team by 2 points to become the 2010 National Champions! It was everything that a championship game should be. There were no huge leads, just two teams battling to the end. I loved every minute of it!!!! The only down side was the highlight video at the end. Jennifer Hudson sang One Shining Moment. While I typically like her voice, I hated her version of the song. It was all about showing off vocally instead of feeling the true meaning behind the words (FOX...I'm willing to replace Simon Cowell next year, and will happily accept his paycheck). Also, they kept showing her! What's up with that? Was she playing in the tournament and I missed it? Seriously, the tournament is about the athletes and not the singer. Whew...glad I got that off my chest! What do you think?

All of the early polls, where fans voted, had Duke being the first number one seed to lose in the tournament. How fitting that they were the last team and only number one seed still standing. I must admit, while I enjoyed the game, I also watched with great sadness. Basketball is over! How will I ever survive? (Insert Gloria Gaynor here)

Basketball has come to an end,
I am happy or so I pretend.
I will miss the close games,
and all of the great names,
that made this tournament great,
and no one can debate,
that Duke was crowned number one,
and boy was it great fun!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Day 68 - Day 67 is missing too

What can I say! It was beautiful yesterday, it was Easter, and again I totally forgot to blog. Crazy! Apparently, that 21 days makes a habit philosophy is not true for me. That would explain why I can never stick with an exercise program. Hum...who knew that it would take a blog for me to come to this realization. What can I say...I'll use any excuse I can! :)

I hope that everyone had a safe and blessed Easter! I had a great time with my family, but there was a downside to the festivities. Let's just say that I will never work for the CIA or FBI. I would be taken hostage and threatened to tell all of my secrets, but I know that I would never betray any confidences. Then, my captors would say, "we have ways of making you talk", and they would bring in the big guns. Yep, Heath Bar Cake and Oreo (Dirt) Cake! I would crumble from this type of torture(nice food reference)!!! I have to tell will power is non-existent. I'm sure that you all must realize that these two desserts were present at the Easter festivities...darn it, and I succumbed. :(

Thank goodness that my weekend had a positive side as well (besides the religious holiday)! Duke won! All you haters out there, all I can say is "Ha, Ha, Ha!" Childish, I know, but I love that we are in the championship game tonight. The other good news is that I can ride my bike throughout the game, and pray that my "torture" from this weekend is pedaled away. Oh please, oh please, oh please! Hopefully, my evening will be complete with a Duke win!!!

Duke is no fluke,
everyone is spooked,
that Butler will lose,
instead of cruise.
I hope Duke will win,
and this will begin,
years of great teams,
this will fulfill my dreams.
But first,
before I burst,
I hope that tonight is full of grins,
as Duke wins,
the final game,
that will proclaim,
Duke the best,
of all of rest,
and help alleviate the sadness,
of the end of March Madness.

Have a good one!!!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Day 66 - Where did day 65 go?

I can't believe it! I actually forgot to blog yesterday. I'm sure many of you were shocked and saddened by this turn of events. To be honest, I had such a busy Friday, that I totally forgot to even get on a computer. Yesterday, I spent the day shopping with my sister, attending Good Friday services, and winding down. For those of you that know me, you know that shopping is not my thing. And, guess what? My opinion of shopping has still not changed. If there isn't a book involved, why am I there? Who knows,once I lose more weight it could be fun, but I doubt it.

I tried on some clothes, but nothing really worked. I either looked like I was dressed in a tent, or the tops made "the girls" stand out way too much. I did find one top thanks to my sister. I didn't want to buy it because I was in that "nothing looks good" phase, but she talked me into it. What can I say, my sister was right! (Write that down Megan because you may never see or hear it again). Seriously, I don't have many shirt options as it is (give me 5 more pounds and I'll have plenty) so I have to stop thinking woe is me and focus on what works right now. Thanks Megan!

Have a Happy Easter!!!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Day 64 - Age is just a number

Today, for the first time, I truly believe that age is just a number. It does not reflect who we are and how we behave. I am a prime example! To watch me dance or exercise, you would think I was 80 years-old. Why 80? Because my coordination and grace is that of someone well in the years. To look at my clothes, you would think I was in my early 40s. What can I say...I dress in baggy, shapeless clothes and it ages me. To see me working today, you would consider me a high school student. No work tomorrow makes it hard for me to want to work today. Sound familiar to all of you teachers? To see me with my nieces and nephews, you would think I was 8 years-old. What can I say, I'm a dork. :) Finally, if you were to judge me on my activity level, you would put me at the 8 month mark. I can move if I want. But, I take my time, and I only move when I want to.

Now, you may have noticed, that none of these ages reflect my true age of 32-years-old. So, I'm hoping that by the end of the year all of that will change. By losing the weight and getting my body in gear, I hope to wear more age appropriate clothes, be more focused, and want to exercise. That will definitely help me to feel better about myself and more comfortable in my own skin (no matter what my age may be).

What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us. -Ralph Waldo Emerson