Thank you everyone for your words of encouragement! I'm not being too hard on myself, and I'm actually motivated to really lose this next week. Of course, I fell back into old habits last night. We had a party for my sister and her assistant coach last night. Both are retiring as from girls basketball after eight years. It was a small get together that included cake and a chocolate fountain. I couldn't resist, so I used the rationale that I'll be bad today, but good tomorrow. We all know that this can lead to a slippery slope. So, I've decided that I need a personal trainer. Please review the ad, and apply if you meet the criteria.
PERSONAL TRAINER NEEDED...looking for an individual that will enforce strict guidelines to help me lose weight. Does not require any exercise or nutritional knowledge. Must be able to slap my hand and say "No No" when I try to eat what I shouldn't. All parents are welcome to apply!
Today's Thoughts
7 years ago
I can be your virtual nay-sayer!
ReplyDelete"Amy, you set your goals, now see them through. YOu can do this. 1 pound a week is attainable and you need to put down the sweets. Get out and take a walk. Put on some lipstick and blush. Just do this. No more excuses. Do you hear me?"
tried to think of what I'd say to Caroline (that is where the DO YOU HEAR ME? came in.Kidding aside, you are doing great Amy! I am really impressed. It is a marathon and not a sprint, so perfection isn't needed, just a really conscious decision to do what is heathiest MOST of the time :)
Have a great day!
Thanks Kristen! Wow, you would make a great trainer. Do you think my boss would let me leave now if I told him my trainer told me to walk? :)
ReplyDeleteAmazingly, I'm not getting down in the dumps about it. I'm accepting that the aliens forced me to be bad, but now that they've gone home (after eating way too much this week), everything will be fine. It's all their fault. Let's face it...I never would have given in otherwise. Temptation is not a part of my vocabulary. Allurement, appeal, draw, fascination, tantalization, and hankering unfortunately are...but not temptation :)
Have a good one!
well, I think this must mean that you are being more active that you didn't gain but only a pound, that means your metabolism is up, right? it takes 3500 calories to gain a pound (I think that was the ratio) so if you cheat beneath that and still are somewhat active you will be fine.
ReplyDeleteLike I've said a million times, I LOVE READING your blog. The humor and wittiness are something I really look forward to :)
Thanks! I must admit I'm having fun. Just so you know, on the bad days, I take a note out of Sam & Emma's book. I just say, "Frog". :) What are you teaching them? ;)