This week, I've been helping watch my four nephews, and I can't help but think of how lucky my sister and her husband are. I mean, sure, things can get hectic and the kids can get annoying when they don't get their way, but then they do something small and you realize what a blessing parenthood is!!! The oldest (9) gave me a hug before he went to bed last night, and I was so sure that he was too "old" for that. The next oldest (4) told me how much he likes it when I come over. Of course, he also knocked me down a few pegs when he said that he would rather have Grandma come over. :) Oh well! The third child (2) shares my curly hair which just makes him look angelic. He will be playing and out of no where, he will run over and kiss and hug me. Finally, the youngest (1) just looks at you with a slow grin that melts your heart. All you parents out there...I envy you, and pray that I will be so blessed in my life. If not, I'm sure my sister won't miss one! :)
Seriously though, I have a new respect for Moms that are trying to lose weight. Just the last couple of days that I have spent with my nephews has been hard. You tend to snack when they snack, eat a little here and there as you get their meals ready, and it doesn't help when one of the kids wants to feed you too. No wonder, the majority of you parents talk about how hard it is to lose weight. The only advantage (weight wise) to being a parent is you have a great workout regime. My sister's kids have certainly kept me on my toes!!! Who knows if it will lead to a weight loss or gain this coming week, but regardless of what happens, I have gained memories that will last me a lifetime!
To all you moms out there...God bless you!
Making the decision to have a child is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body. ~Elizabeth Stone
Today's Thoughts
7 years ago
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