Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Times, they are changin'...why can't dieting?

You know, the older I get, the more I become aware of the past. I don't know if the same is true for everyone, but that is definitely how I am. It seems you can't get away from change. Yet, the older you get, you realize that change (for the most part) isn't change at is rebirth. Basically, everything is a cycle. Old clothes, furniture, and hairstyles become popular again. Movies and TV shows are remakes of successful shows from the past. Books are re-released with some minor changes so they are not so dated. It seems as if most things popular in the past become popular in the future. So, I have to ask...when is Rubenesque going to be popular again?

I'm sure you are wondering...if she is trying to lose weight, why does she want Rubenesque to become popular again? So, it is time for me to be honest. Here goes! Is my phone ringing? Wait, maybe someone is at the door. OK, no more procrastinating...honesty time. The truth (gulp) is that I fell off the wagon this week. Who am I kidding? I never even made it on the wagon this week. It came by, and I tried to hop on but my hands were a little full at the time.

Ugh! I'm sooo frustrated with myself. It has been about 6 months since my exercise has been completely limited, if not, non-existent...yet, I still eat like I'm taking exercise classes at the Y. Let's face it, when it comes to dieting it is all about mind over matter. In my case, my matter (fat cells) is winning over my mind.

So, today is a new day! Even though I can't control that I'm unable to exercise, I can control what I eat. I need to be strong, I need to be tough, and I need to find the will power to not overeat when I'm upset. If I can do this, I WILL lose weight before summer is upon us. Or, if all else fails, I can hope and pray that times are a changin' and Rubeneque will make a comeback. could happen!

1 comment:

  1. You crack me up! I loved this post! Rubenesque!! Thanks for stopping by The Fatty Cake Girls Club blog, I'm a huge emotional eater (go back and check some posts on my 2 year depression) and I hurt my back on a regular basis (though not quite to the extent that you do!). The key is that you keep coming back. I mean, at least you made it to the road to see the wagon, even if your arms were full! Hanging on is hard, it takes a lot of strength as you well know. And as you also know, strength isn't gained over night. You'll get there!
