Thursday, February 10, 2011

Wow, where has the time gone?

Apparently, 2011 is not going to be a great year for me. Mind you, I don't think it will be a bad year, but I don't think it will be a stellar year. I started January off with the stomach flu which was bad, but I did lose 6 pounds because of it wasn't awful. Now, I start February off with my doctor saying, "these prescriptions will cover you for strep, bronchitis, and walking pneumonia". Great! Do you know hard it is to exercise when you are coughing every third or fourth step? Again, there was an tasted awful so I didn't overeat.

Needless to say, I haven't had a great start to dieting in 2011. I'm trying to decide where I go from here. Do I try Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, Nutrisystem, or do I just eat sensibly? Of course, not eating sensibly is why I'm overweight in the first place. Any recommendations? Anyone, anyone, Bueller...Bueller. Oh well, here is what I'm thinking...I'll start by just watching my calorie intake and try to exercise (as much as my health permits). I'll see how I've progressed at the end of the month and then re-evaluate.

My 2011 Weight Loss Poem
What can I say, this is not the way,
I saw my year going, with my weight yo-yoing.
I'm sick of feeling awful, and now I crave a waffle.
I wish the snow would go, so I no longer grow,
big and wide, but a woman full of pride.
For I plan to eat right, so my clothes aren't too tight,
and workout like crazy and just quit being lazy.
2011 I thought would be heaven,
instead it has been rough and I look like a cream puff.
So, today is the date that I start to lose weight.
Wish me luck, so I don't get stuck,
in a rut with all of the weight going to my butt!

Not my best work, but you get the idea. Thank you all for your support!


  1. Good to see you feel well enough to get back
    on-line. Be careful on all this snow so you don't get hurt! When do you see Stringer?

  2. Thanks Julie! My (rescheduled) appointment was yesterday, but it got cancelled. So now the plan is to see him next Wednesday. Too bad it was cancelled because yesterday was a bad day. I get the feeling going to see Dr. Stringer will be like calling a repair man. For example, your fridge is making noise but when the repairman comes it works fine and the repairman can't replicate the noise. That is how my appointment will be. My hip will feel fine that day (thank you tramadol) and I'll have a hard time pin pointing where the worst of the pain originates from...UGH!

    I hope you are starting to get back to normal. I don't know about you but I blame the weather for our problems. I think you and I need to take another vacation. I think Megan, you, & I should go visit Kristen. We should go to the beach and let Kristen's parents watch the kids, so she gets a break too. Talk about a motivation for dieting! What do you think?

  3. Hey, that is a plan. I'll need to start working out with Caleb and Jonah asap!

  4. Keep positive! It bites not being able to be healthy enough to really work out, but do what you can! And don't beat yourself up.

    The fear of summer and swimsuits has now set in, so I'll start with ya! I've made little adjustments like more pop. Of course, it's day 1, but that 3/4 full 2L of Pepsi that is sitting on the counter, hasn't been opened yet! Yeah ME! :)

    You can do it and we're all here cheering you on!!!! LOVE Ya!
