Monday, January 24, 2011

Rough Week

Last week was definitely a tough one. I'm trying so hard NOT to give into temptation, and what happens...sales meeting. Ugh!!! That means breakfast (donuts, rolls, coffee), morning breaks (snickers, peanut butter cups, m&ms, gummy bears, twizzlers...need a say more), lunch with dessert (cookies, brownies, and pies), and afternoon snacks (the morning snacks plus any leftover desserts from lunch). I knew that I needed to test my will power but come on! Give a girl a break! I'm barely into my chocoholic program!

I'm sad to say that I have not last any weight this week. Miraculously, I did not gain either. I've decided that since I haven't lost weight, I need to step up the exercise (and yes that is a pun) since I plan to use my stepper throughout the day. I might do it during the commercial breaks when I watch a TV show or for 10 minutes after every 3rd chapter when I'm reading a book. I might even do it during halftime of any sporting event that I watch. Baby steps...ha ha, me and steps. Hopefully this will help with the weight loss.

Also, I plan to try one of Hungry Girl's soup recipes in the next week or so. It is her Hungry Chick Chunky Soup Recipe. A one cup serving size has 150 calories, 1g fat, 570mg sodium, 15g carbs, 4.25g fiber, 5g sugars, 20.5g protein. Also, the recipe is labeled as easy which means even someone with my limited cooking knowledge can do it! I'm really looking forward to trying some of the recipes from the Hungry Girl Cookbook and website. Has anyone tried her recipes? I would love to get your thoughts or any variations you may have done. Thanks!!!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Well darn!

I'm sorry to say that since January 6th, I've gained two pounds. While it is upsetting, I can honestly say that it is not a surprise. My diet for the beginning of 2011 was saltine crackers and Diet 7-UP. Needless to say, now that I have gotten over the flu and resumed eating, my weight has fluctuated a little. I still feel like I'm doing well though. I'm eating all of my meals on a salad plate (which means that my portions are smaller), I'm not going back for seconds, and I'm more active than I've been in a long time.

I did have a small set back on Saturday. My family from North Carolina was visiting, and we went to a steak house. At first, I was very pleased with myself. I only ate half of my meal. Yay me! Then I remembered! I must have blocked it out since it goes against all of my dieting principles but I ate onion rings. Or should I say I ate "great" onion rings? What was I thinking...other than I want more. This was seriously not my best moment.

Hopefully, these next few weeks will be better. While it is always upsetting to gain weight, it isn't the end of my diet. It just means that I need to work a little bit harder on my will power. If I truly want to succeed, I need to stay focused on my goal and not give up after every set back. Thanks to all of my supporters! Your encouragement helps! If you have any recommendations for recipes, please feel free to post them. I'm always looking for healthy recipes!!! Thanks again!!!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Desperation Dance Part II

It is official...I have no will power. I thought that I could wait in until the end of the month before trying on my size 16 jeans, but I gave into temptation. I just wanted to know how close I was to reaching my next goal. Mentally, I knew that 5 pounds was not going to make the difference, but the tiny voice in my head said that maybe 5 pounds was all I needed.

So, I grabbed my cutest pair of size 16 jeans (believe it or not there is a cute pair of size 16 jeans). They make my butt look smaller. Anyway, I was able to get them up to my thighs, but there was still a little bit of my desperation dance needed to get them all of the way up. You know the dance. Many of you are familiar with the dance if not the title. It is where you start to put on a pair of pants and then do the following: pull, push, plead, and pledge never to eat bad again as long as these stupid things fit. Then through divine intervention (and a lot of sweat and effort), they are where they are supposed to be. Then the next challenge begins...getting them buttoned.

Well, I'm pleased to say that while the dance was needed, there was less dancing and desperation this time around. I won't lie, everytime I attempt this dance I have some appropriate music playing in my head so I put a little more movement into it. By the way, I think the song Maniac was written because someone witnessed the desperation dance first hand. Where was I? Oh I think I'm three pounds away from the size 16 jeans fitting. Whoo Hoo! And I'm 5 pounds away from them fitting so I can breathe when I sit (being able to do this is highly overrated). Not sure when I'll start wearing them full time. Hopefully soon! Size 16 here I come!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Not too bad...

Wow, I can honestly say that 12 days into 2011 and I'm not doing too bad. I haven't eaten out yet, I haven't had an overload of sweets, and I haven't overeaten. I'm eating three meals a day with all of the portions being served on a salad plate. I also went to the pool again today, and that too wasn't bad. I mean, I would prefer not to wear a swimsuit, but I'm just proud of the fact that I'm sticking with it so far.

So, here are my 11 goals for 2011...
1. Lose weight (obviously).
2. Go from a size 16W to a at least a size 6 or 8 before 2012.
3. To fit into size 16 jeans without having to do my desperation dance by the end of February.
4. To workout at least for 30 minutes three times a week or more.
5. To eat healthy. One dessert and one eating out meal a week (good for the waist line and wallet).
6. Once I get to a size 14, start dressing in something other than XL sweatshirts and yoga pants (I could start now, but that would require buying clothes. I still have all of my nice size 14 clothes, so this goal will be a little ways down the road).
7. To do a better job writing my blog this year (though I don't know how I will top my stellar posts from last year). :)
8. To take pictures at each dress size so I'll have a visual reminder of my success.
9. To drink more water.
10. To get healthy.
11. To never give up or get down on myself.


Tuesday, January 11, 2011

First Official Workout

After many years of failed dieting, I've come to realize that working out is just as important as eating right. Amazingly, this means that I must actually do the activity and not just watch and live vicariously through others. Darn, that means no more eating dinner during The Biggest Loser (which I've only done once or twice, but how sad is that)! So, I come!

Yesterday, I put on my bathing suit and headed to the YMCA to walk in the pool. Yes, I said walk. Due to my back and hip problems, the doctor has recommended walking in a pool as the best exercise for me. I must say, I hate that option! Seriously, what heavy person wants to VOLUNTARILY put on a swimsuit just to walk. I personally believe the more layers the better. You know, sweat off more pounds and hide the flab at the same time. I love clothes that have dual purposes!

But, I'm pleased to say that I walked for a half hour yesterday. I must admit that I was self conscious since there were two good looking guys doing laps at the same time, and I was just walking. I wanted to say..."degenerative disc" or "doctors orders", so that they would know that I could swim too but for health reasons I chose to walk. Who am I kidding, one lap and I would be out of breath. Oh well, I stayed in the pool and did my workout. Afterward, I felt great (except for the whole wearing a swimsuit thing)!

Today, I will get my workout at physical therapy. I'll have stretches, ab work, squats, and 15 minutes on the bike. Hopefully, I can keep this routine up and lose another pound or two by Monday!

Inside some of us is a thin person struggling to get out, but they can usually be sedated with a few pieces of chocolate cake ~Author Unknown

Monday, January 10, 2011

A new year and a new goal!

Hi all!!! I'm back! So, it is a new year and as you may have guessed, I have new goals. My goal last year was to go from 196 pounds to 135 (or an appropriate dress size). Needless to say, that did not happen. I was hampered by physical ailments (back and hips) that restricted my physical activities and somehow increased my awareness of chocolate. I'm not sure how that happened but it was one crazy side effect! :) So instead of losing 50+ pounds, I only lost 6 pounds. Not anywhere near my goal, but I didn't regain all of the weight. Whoo Hoo...let's celebrate. Ice cream anyone? Bad Amy! Bad!!!

So I started January 1 at 190 pounds. Apparently the "Big Guy" knew that I had no will power, so he aided my new year goal by giving me the worst stomach bug in all of my 33 years. After six days, I was finally able to eat something other than jello and soup. Thank goodness! While the flu was awful, it did help me jump start the new year with a 5 pound weight loss. Now, I just need to keep the momentum going.

So this year my goal is to lose 50 pounds (or a reasonable amount of weight that allows me to fit into a size 6 or 8...I don't remember ever being that size) and to not make excuses. There is no reason that I shouldn't lose the weight this year! So, a new year has started and nothing will keep me from eating right and getting out and exercising...did I mention that it is snowing out.

Happy 2011 everyone and good luck with your 2011 goals (whatever they may be)!!!