Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The job hunt is on!

Have you ever noticed that finding a job is like gym class. There is always a captain (hiring manager) that is great at the game (job), and you just pray that they pick you. So far I've sent out five resumes (pick me, pick me, pick me) and I'm still in the group of kids waiting to be chosen. I'll admit I don't expect to find something right away, but some feedback would be nice.

So far, my job searches have revolved around administrative jobs in Kansas, Missouri, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Massachusetts. Hopefully, I'll find something before October so I can decide whether or not to put my house on the market. If anyone knows of any jobs, let me know. I need to put myself in as many gym classes as I can!!!!

Monday, August 30, 2010

No complaints so far

Things are going well here! I can feel my legs! :) Seriously, I've been really good. If I'm not having my Power Pump class, I'm riding the bike for at least 30 minutes or walking for an hour. I've also been staying true to my high protein, low carb diet. In a week, I've lost 2 pounds. Yay me!!!!

I just hope that things don't start to get boring. That is when I cheat on my diet and quit my workouts. I can't let that happen. If only there was an Amazing Race exercise class, where you run from obstacle to obstacle and the first person to the scale wins a great prize. Talk about motivation! CBS call me! I've got a million ideas. They may not be original but they would totally rock. I can just picture it...you would be eliminated if you were to step on the scale and not lose any weight. If Phil were to host, I'd run anywhere! ;) It's a thought!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Legs are so overrated

Who am I kidding? Legs are a much needed appendage!!!! Exercise instructors should take that into consideration when calculating the number of squats and lunges a person must do in the name of exercise. The front of my thighs hurt so bad!!!! Now, I know what all of you crazy "I love to exercise" people are thinking...it's a good hurt. Yeah, it might be a good hurt if I didn't have to do it again tomorrow morning. Seriously, they should consider starting classes on Thursday so you have the weekend to recover.

Hopefully, overnight, coffee will be synonymous with water and a great hydrating drink. Hopefully, my 5:45am class changes to 5:45pm. Hopefully, my legs will be better tomorrow and I won't collapse during my push ups. I'm noticing a trend...oh well, all I can do is hope!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

And so it begins

Well, I know that I haven't been on in awhile. Sorry!!!! I realize that my lack of blogging corresponds with weight gain, so I'm going to try to be better. I've actually been really busy. I'm actively searching for new jobs, so if anyone knows of anything, please let me know. So far, I've applied for one job in Virginia. Not sure if anything will come of it, but I got the first application under my belt. I applied for a secretarial position for a superintendent. Hopefully, I'll at least get some feedback from the organization. My goal is to have a new job by January and not necessarily in Kansas.

Needless to say, job interviews mean nice clothes. Nice clothes means I need to lose some weight. You see, I have a lot of clothes...they just don't fit. So, what am I going to do? Well, I'm riding the stationary bike 30-60 minutes per day and I started a Power Pump class with Megan this morning. I'm pleased to say that coordination is not required for this class, but I wish someone would have told me that muscles are a plus. Seriously, my legs were like jello afterward and I thought I was going to collapse on the 6th push-up. I can only hope that it will get better! :)

So, as of today, my weight is 189. I'm eating 1200 calories a day (high protein with some carbs), and I'm exercising. So far so good. Oh yeah, I'm praying too! Every little bit helps!!!!

Monday, August 9, 2010

Starting from the beginning

Well, I'm starting over. I've spent so much time focusing on others that I've let my goals slide. Who am I kidding? My goals have crashed and burned. So, it is time for a new me in quarter three. Sounds silly, but you get the idea. I'm going back to high protein meals, drinking water and exercise. Now, I'm sure that you are dying to discover what exercises I'm doing so I'll just tell you...kettlebell workouts.

So far, I really enjoy it. It isn't too hard, doesn't seem to bother my back, and it is a really quick workout. I plan to weigh in starting next Monday, and I hope I haven't gained all of the weight I lost back. From this day forward no looking back just looking forward. Wish me luck!

By the way, if anyone has any good high protein crockpot receipes, please feel free to send them my way. Have a good one!