Friday, February 12, 2010

Day 16 - What happened?

It is official...I have fallen off the wagon and took all the carbs on board with me! To be fair, I did stay within my calorie range yesterday, but almost every meal consisted mainly of carbs. Oh the joy...I mean shame. Like most women, I love my carbs and yesterday was no exception. However, if I want to keep dropping the pounds I need to have the right percentage of protein, carbs, and fat (this helps regulate the blood sugar).

So, I have decided that I need to get back on the wagon. Unfortunately, I had a breakfast of carbs this morning, so the wagon has already left for the day. Great! Now, I'm going to have to chase the wagon, attempt to jump on board (a la John McLain and every Die Hard movie Bruce Willis has done), and take control of the wagon. Wish me luck!

From your wagon chasin' friend...Amy

By the way, if you could burn calories based on your dreams alone, I'd be a size 2! Have a good weekend!!!


  1. To have too many carbs and stay wig=thin your calories can't be all bad. By the way....when will the wagon be in my neighborhood? I want to try to get a picture of you chasing it......we could make a lot of money with funny home videos! Good luck today......


  2. Did I really type wig=thin? WITHIN! :)

  3. so funny! I have fallen off a little too. Ok, ALL ABOARD!
